To be sure, we all know that pests in the home can be a nuisance. They also make our homes look unsanitary and spread infections. There are some pests, however, that whenever they infest your home, they leave a permanent negative impact on your life and in more ways than you ever thought of.
While people tend to associate summer and spring with seasonal allergies due to plants and pollen, other non-plants agents trigger allergies and asthma attacks. Many household pests like dust mites, rodents and cockroaches are some of the major triggers of allergies and asthma. These parasites can cause allergies when indoors. About 63% of American homes have allergens to cockroaches.
If you or your family member suffers the pests’ allergy, you must take steps before it worsens. In addition to visiting a physician or an allergist and taking the recommended medication, it is equally vital to eliminate any potential allergy triggers in your home. In this case, you must get rid of cockroaches and rodents like rats and mice which you are likely to see crawling and scurrying from one room to another. The following are tips to allergy-proof your house.
Pitch it up – This involves excluding the pests by sealing gaps and cracks on the walls and floors. You can do this using silicone-based caulk. Also, pay much attention to the areas where utility pipes enter.
Get rid of moisture – It is wise if you maintain the humidity level in your home. You can reduce humidity by about 50 percent by doing proper ventilation on basements and the crawl areas. You can also perform a dehumidifier run in those areas to prevent moisture from building up.
Bring out the vacuum – Vacuum all the areas in your house at least once in a week using a high-efficiency particulate filter vacuum.
Banish dust – Wipe and dust the hard surfaces regularly using a damp cloth or a dust rag. However, minimize the amount of fabric you use in every room since the materials attract some allergens like pet dander and dust mites.
Clean filters – Make sure that all the filters in your furnace and air conditioner are clean. You can clean or replace the once that are worn out.
Keep the kitchen clean – This is one of the pests’ hideout and to prevent this, ensure to wipe all the surfaces daily; counters, sinks, stove-tops and also make sure not to leave undone dishes to pile up in the sink. Make sure to clean spills and crumbs right away.
Package your food properly – To prevent attracting pests, store food in an airtight container. Moreover, do not leave pet food out for an extended period.
Take out the trash – Avoid the habit of piling garbage in your compound. Dispose it regularly and always put it in a sealed trash bin.
Cover your pillows – Dust mites are attracted to fabrics and other materials and to avoid this, ensure to encase your pillows and mattress with an allergen-proof cover. Also, avoid down pillows and comforters.
Cleaning bedding – It is nice to soak blankets and other bedding and rugs in hot water before washing them. If not so, take them to the dry cleaner.
To know if you are infested with these allergens, it is good to first understand the symptoms of common allergies of cockroaches and other pests. They include;
- Runny nose
- Itchy eyes
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Wheezing or shortness of breath
These signs may range from minor to severe.
Similarly, asthma symptoms include:
- Coughing and especially at night
- Wheezing
- Chest tightness and pressure
- Short breath
- If the asthma attack is severe, one may experience dangerous and painful chest tightness which could be life-threatening and will require medical attention
Although many factors cause asthma and allergies, it is vital to identify and minimize exposure to the triggers that you can take an active role in reducing and controlling the frequency and severity of the allergy problems and asthma attacks.
It is wise to seek advice from a professional about managing allergies from pests. This is a two-fold process. First, it is important that the allergy sufferer seeks help from a physician. It is equally vital to contact a pest control professional to recommend a means to eliminate such threats like cockroaches and rodents.
Are you interested in a free pest inspection? We are also offering $300 off ANY service! Request a free termite inspection online, call us at 888-945-2847 or visit our contact page.
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