We are right in the middle of Winter! Pests become more attracted to your home during the winter season. Here are some of the methods to deal with different winter pests.

Rodents like rats and mice can fit in very tiny places. They do not have collapsible skeletons, and as such, they can fit in holes the size of a dime. To prevent this, secure the entry places like doors, windows, chimneys and the openings around pipes entering your home. You can use hardware cloth to close the openings and seal the holes.

Mice and rats love staying in warm places with plenty of food supply. One way to ensure you do not get the pests’ infestation is to make sure they don’t have access to a food supply. Clean the kitchen properly and put away the pet food and keep dry foods in sealed plastic bags or containers. Do not forget that rats are capable of chewing most materials so lock up the food well.

Spider and arachnids

Spiders and arachnids are known for being creepy. Some spider varieties are harmless, but it still feels uncomfortable to see them crawling around your home. It gets hard to spray them like you spray bugs since spiders have long legs and they can crawl over the area covered with pesticides without getting the poison on their body unless they crawl on their abdomen. However, you can still use insecticides against spiders since the more insects you kill, the less the food for the spiders to feed on.

To ensure the spiders do not come to your house, seal all the openings in the house. The broken doors and windows, holes in the walls and loose door jars are all possible spider entry points. The other way to keep them away is by vacuuming the invaded areas. If there are plants, boxes, or hard to reach corners in the compound, clean them out removing any spiders, spider web, and spider eggs. You should repeat the process regularly until you ensure you do not see any more spiders around your home.

Squirrels and raccoons

Large pests like squirrels and raccoons can find a way to your home through openings in your roof, chimney or other openings in the house. Before sealing the holes, do an inspection to ensure there are none of the pests already in your house and if you find any trapped inside, look for a safe way to remove it without causing destruction. Havahart traps are one method of removing the animals. When removing squirrels, you can bait the trap with what they like most like nuts. With raccoons, you can bait with tuna. You should check the trap regularly to ensure you set the animal free before it dies. If you wish, you can build a house for the squirrel and offer them food and keep them happy in your compound as pets.

If you find out there are no trapped animals, seal the openings. Cover the chimney vents with a hardware cloth and seal by stapling.

Firewood bugs

You may need to collect a lot of firewood to keep your house warm during winter. This gives the bugs and pests a place to hide and do damages. Most tiny pests like termites and bugs take residence under wood piles during winter from which they migrate to your home.

To keep these pests away, ensure to store the wood away from the ground and away from your house. Place the pile of firewood on a raised platform which will prevent the bugs from entering the wood. If you have to keep the wood for a long time, like a year, store them under plastic bugs which will keep the bugs away by increasing the temperature underneath. The high temperature is not ideal for pests.

When bringing firewood inside the house for use, make sure to inspect thoroughly. If you see tunnels on the wood, it is an indication that you are carrying the bugs and termites in the house and it can be difficult to remove them, thus preventing the pests before the infestation is better than eliminating them.

Generally, to keep pests away, ensure you keep them away from accessing foods. Proper cleaning of the compound is essential. Ensure you dispose of garbage regularly and store food in sealed containers. Inspect cables, insulation, walls and furniture to see if there are any signs of gnaws marks. Install screens on openings and chimney vents and seal cracks holes including the areas where pipes enter your home. Replace the loose mortar and remove the stripping around windows and the basement foundation. Install gutters to channel water from your home. By following the following tips, you are sure to keep away pests from your home during winter.

In case you find yourself dealing with pest infestation, it is advisable to seek professional help. The professionals will not only help you eradicate the problem but also avail means of preventing a possible comeback.

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