If you have pets, you’re going to do everything you can to protect them from the seasonal bloodsuckers. Otherwise, you’ll have sick dogs and cats, costly treatments, and time-consuming instructions to follow as a result of the pest population hiding on your property.

Ticks and Where They Hide on Your Pets

Ticks live in trees and bushes where they wait for the perfect host to arrive for them to latch onto. The bloodsuckers burrow deep into the skin where they embed themselves and eat until their bodies get fat with blood. Unlike other pests who are repelled by fur, ticks love the hairiest of areas because they can remain undetected for longer periods of time.

To discover ticks on your pets, you must physically comb through their fur while paying close attention to moist areas such as under their legs and in their groin area. Even then, the animals may appear to have a scab not a tick on the skin. It’s one of the pest’s most notable features with its rounded and raised body which must be removed in its entirety with sanitized tweezers to keep it from continuing to drink your pet’s blood.

Lyme disease occurs in humans and their furry friends because of ticks. That’s why it’s imperative to take preventative measures to keep the pests off you and your pets. By keeping your lawn mowed and cared for, you’re able to eliminate the overgrowth and some of the spots ticks love to hide in before claiming a victim.

How to Survive a Flea Infestation

A flea infestation can wreak havoc on your home. Once they’ve been transferred from your pets who were outdoors to the inside of your residence, you’ll have a very hard time getting rid of them. Checking your pets regularly for signs of fleas is important because it allows you to address a small problem before it worsens.

It’s hard to miss the presence of fleas on your dogs and cats. They move quickly throughout the body looking for the best place to feed. You’ll find fleas in the areas covered by fur as well as hairless areas on the belly and in the warm spots between their legs.

Flea bites cause great discomfort and can even lead to respiratory problems in dogs and cats. At an expert piece of advice is to have your yard treated for fleas during the first signs of spring. If the pests are present, you’ll be able to get rid of the problem before they harm your pets.

Why Mosquitoes Don’t Just Feast on Humans

Mosquitoes aren’t particular. They don’t care if the blood they drink comes from humans or animals. They’re simply hungry and looking for their next meal.

When a mosquito lands on your pet, they look for an easy way to pierce the skin so they can start drinking blood right away. Areas of the body covered in fur are less susceptible because they create a barrier to the skin. Sensitive spots such as the ears, nose, and belly tend to be where mosquitoes land on dogs and cats.

Heartworm is among the most common problems caused by the pests after feasting on your pets. It’s highly dangerous and can be prevented through the administration of prescription heartworm medication acquired through a vet. If a dog or cat isn’t taking the pills, they could develop the life-threatening illness through a simple mosquito bite.

Check Your Pets Over Carefully as They Enter the Home After Being Outdoors

Bloodsucking fiends have no right to feast on your pets. Take action this summer to keep ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes from harming your dogs and cats. Now that you know where they hide on animals, you’ll be sure to check your pets over carefully when they return inside after being outdoors for a while. If you do see an increase in the population of pests your furry friends encounter, you can take the steps necessary to perform pest control on your yard, in your home, and on your pets, too.

Are you being bothered by pests? Contact us to schedule your appointment for pest services or by calling 888-945-2847. We also offer free termite inspections!